As of 2019, RENA Logistics has been part of ZBL.

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RENA's technical expertise allows for the specialised transport of liquid bulk in Isotanks

Always delivered to the customer at the appointed time and at the correct temperature

RENA Logistics specialises in organising the European transport of polyurethanes in Isotanks. We do this on a daily basis for a large customer.

We ensure that the polyurethanes transported in Isotanks always arrive at their destinations across Europe at the appointed time and at the correct temperature. For each destination, we select the most optimal mode of transport: road, inland shipping or rail.

Tailored advice

Furthermore, we offer our customers advice on the best way to unload the polyurethanes from the Isotank. Thanks to our technical expertise and years of experience, we know exactly what flanges, pumps, etc. are necessary to safely connect the Isotank to the storage tank of the customer without any spills. If required, we can be present at any location in Europe to offer hands-on advice.


Expert transport to any European destination, from Turkey to Scandinavia


Technical expertise supports an optimal logistics chain 


Advice to recipients on safe and efficient unloading

We specialise in the transport of polyurethanes in Isotanks.

The main products:

MDI - Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate

TDI - Toluene diisocyanate